Judge Not

[Matthew 7:1-5] Judge Not By the Reverend Tom Paine Preached Trinity Sunday at Westminster Presbyterian Church, Chehalis May 26, 2024 Welcome to a new sermon series this summer on passages in the Gospels that never come up in the Revised Common Lectionary.  While I love the lectionary and believe, overall, the lectionary is a veryContinue reading “Judge Not”

True Wisdom

[1 Corinthians 1:18-31] By the Reverend Tom Paine Preached at Lakewood Presbyterian (also read at 1st Presbyterian, Tenino) January 29th, 2023 There are passages in the Bible that honestly are difficult to be the basis of a sermon.  There are passages that also seem very similar to others which make it difficult to preach onContinue reading “True Wisdom”